Thursday, September 15, 2005

the worst of both worlds.

I often joke that I inherited the inferior gene for a trait from either parent. I.E:

  • Mom has green eyes (Yes, I know my inheriting green eyes is genetically impossible unless someone in my dad's family had green eyes too. But still. I'd rather have green eyes. From God and not from Johnson and Johnson).
  • Mom is short. Dad's not. I am short.
  • Mom is very fair. Can't tell she's Indian type fair. My Dad sports the Deccan Tan, as do I. (Pass the Fair 'N Lovely, please!)
  • Dad's allergies
  • Dad's hirsutism. (True story, once while getting my legs waxed at the salon, my Columbian beautician got frustrated and said "Aiiie! Sophia! Must get daddy pay for this thas where you get it!)
  • Chicken legs (will refrain from telling you which parent)
  • I can go on, but I won't.

I got some good ones too though, I can't complain. I must admit I'm quite content with my nose, as it's my Dad's and his mom's and shared by most of the women in his family.

What's my point? Good question. I'm standing at a crossroads where which gene I inherited could make a big difference.

I've been noticing some white hairs recently. Their numbers are increasing. My hair is jet black, so the few strands are prominent. As of now, I've been cutting them as I see them. Though one day the Sharpie marker did seem a bit intriguing. But anyway. Here's the deal:

My dad had jet black hair until very recently. No baldness, but now he's getting the distinguished gray that comes from supporting kids in their mid-twenties when he thought he'd have granddkids by now.

Mom ... mom ... Jet black hair also. Until she was around 30. I am almost 26. What will happen in the next four years? Am I going to have to start dyeing my hair? Maybe I'll go real old school and dye it with Mehendi like our mom's did in the 70s. Everyone loves a redhead, right?

My mom says white hair is caused by stress. I'm hoping that's the case because I can attempt to control that. If it's genetic though ... man ... let's just hope I got the good gene. Because the last thing I need is to have my future colorist say "Aiieee Sophia! You get your mommy pay for this all her fault!"

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