Monday, November 07, 2005

and we're back

The last few weeks have been quite hectic. Lots of med school interviews, which means lots of traveling and skipping work (two things I enjoy immensely). So much to tell, so little will to organize my thoughts clearly. Here's a data dump of totally asinine information, should you be so inclined to read it:

My appetite is on the fritz again. For the past few weeks, I didn't eat much. The unhealthy consequence was that I lost some weight. I know it's something I shouldn't complain about, but as I've mentioned, losing weight puts me dangerously close to the gross anorexic cocaine sniffing waifish category. I'm particularly upset about this weight loss for the following reason: The weight came off my butt. That's right. Normally my weight fluctuations are evenly distributed across my body. But this time, a few pounds fell right off my keister. And now my butt's all bony and sadly not badonkadonk. Prior to going on my interviews, I tried on some business suits I had in my closet. My mom saw me in them, and said: "Where did your butt go? You used to have some shape, and now it's just flat. You have no butt."

My mom chastized me for my flat bum. Can my life get any sadder?

General commentary: I think it's great that J Lo et. al (hah, that sounds like a paper, citation, right? Social perceptions toward derriere magnitude. J. Lo et. al. Journal of Hindquarter Sociology, 2005.) I digress. I think it's great that shapely bootys are valued. It's a throw back to the days of Sir Mix-A-Lot. He likes big butts, and he cannot lie. Those other brothers just can't deny.

The other funny thing I noticed was that my dad pluralizes the word "butt." When I showed him the business suit and pointed out that it was loose in the back, he said "Yes, it's too loose in the butts." I don't why, but I find this incredibly funny. I am laughing right now thinking about it.

I interviewed at a school in the Midwest and ended up spending a weekend with a very good friend of mine who lives there. We went to Blockbuster one night to rent a video. If you want to check out some serious Midwest fashion, Blockbuster on a Saturday night is the place to be! We saw one woman wearing a very odd outfit - a brown skirt, a white ruffle top, and elbow length pink suede gloves. My friend was extremely disturbed by her. I thought it was because of the outfit, but he corrected me. "Soph," he said, "didn't you notice that she was wearing rings on the OUTSIDE of her gloves??" Unfortunately I missed that sight, but let me assure you that my friend was traumatized.

So here I am, back in Boston for two days before I'm off to more interviews. Last night I flipped on the telly to relax. I'm not a West Wing person, but I was enthralled with the fake debate last night on TV. For anyone who saw it as well (um, maybe just the ladies), I hope you can collaborate my new desire to have Jimmy Smit's love child.

The good news is that my appetite is slowly but surely coming back. As, I hope will my back, know what I'm sayin? Aha, do you now see the double entendre in the title of this post? Clever, huh? Come on, throw me a bone here. Jimmy, I'm doing it for you baby!


Eric said...

welcome back! (no double entendre though--otherwise i'd be sketchy)

Anonymous said...

Couldn't you just use the fake butt prop from Ghungroo temporarily? ;)