Tuesday, November 29, 2005

things that make you feel old ...

Thanksgiving was nice. My two cousins came to visit. I remember when they both were born. And now they are 16 and 18. Oh man I'm old. We don't do turkey on turkey day. Instead we ate steaks and Indian food. Yum! We had to be somewhat American though, so we topped it off with some pumpkin pie. Later that night, I spoke to a friend of mine (also Indian). Same story: Indian food for Thanksgiving, rounded out by some apple pie. Let's hear it for partial assimilation!

Not much else to write, so here are some pictures. Stolen from both my brother and cousin's blogs. I am old. And therefore lazy.

These are my cousins when the were young. So cute!

My brother and cousins over Thanksgiving. They are all grown up. Thus I am old.
The lizzadies.
All of us!


Speaking of families, I want to send a special prayer out to a friend - a friend from many years ago and a friend again today, who is going through a difficult time. SJ, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

1 comment:

Scorps1027 said...

aww, you are such a sweetheart soph! thank you so much for keeping my mom in your thoughts & prayers. she's doing so much better!

If I haven't told you before, you are such a ROCKSTAR! out of all the blast from the past internection connections i've made, you're my faaavorite. (not to mention you provide me with my weekly ha-ha's with this hilarious blog!)