Monday, November 14, 2005

if i were 50 years older

One of the most frustrating aspects of my job is that I work, for all intents and purposes, alone. I sit in front of a computer all day and speak to noone. It's very lonely and depressing. And, above all else, I hate eating lunch alone.

This afternoon, I went to the cafeteria. I bought a slice of pizza. In various locations in the cafeteria, they have a bench with stools instead of tables. Basically, if you are eating alone, you can sit on the bench. Each bench has about 4 or 5 stools, so you may end up sitting next to someone.

I sat on one of these benches, and an elderly gentleman sat to my right. I ate my pizza in silence, and after finishing the slice, gazed off into the distance and thought of nothing, as I am wont to do.

The old man leaned over and said "Pizza, it's sure hard to resist, isn't it?"

I laughed and told him indeed it is. He proceeded to tell me that he gave up pizza when he gave up alcohol, 30 years ago. He said "I'm 81." I congratulated him.

He asked if I was Indian and I nodded. "Where in India?" he continued. "Bombay."

"You're very beautiful. I had an Indian doctor once. She was half Irish half Indian. Dr. Brenda. Very beautiful. Like you. I also had a dentist once. She was very beautiful."

He continued, "I wish I were 50 years younger, so I could ask you out." And I responded, "Actually, I wish I were 50 years older" and smiled.

He said "Thank you for letting me flirt with you dear. You made my day. God bless you."

There was no element of exaggeration when I told him that it was he who made my day.

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