Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Just finished my final for my biology class, which officially marks the end of the second of three semesters for my post-bac. I am still adjusting to the fact that it's January and this decision is, for once and for all, very real. The MCATs are in April, and I will be applying this summer. Exactly one year ago today I sat in front of a computer at a hedge fund, wallowing in misery. Although I was getting paid for the wallowing, which was nice.

Anyway, it's been quite difficult updating my blog given the absence of internet in my apartment. In addition to the absence of anything interesting going on in my life. I work, I study and occassionally I eat in between.

Which brings me to the topic of this post: I'm going to take a hiatus from the blog. Thank you all for reading (although I'm pretty sure nobody is really reading this anymore). Perhaps I will pick it up again when the fun stuff starts to happen, because my life is cyclical like that. Who knows. As of now, I'm enjoying the trough.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

We'll miss you.