Wednesday, January 05, 2005


I have nothing to write. Life has been a bit hectic after crazy roommate moved out. Had to go to Target to buy everything from shower curtains to garbage bins (she took everything!). She also canceled the cable. Actually, that's not totally accurate. She transferred the account to her new, undisclosed location. The problem: we cannot get cable or internet until the transfer is completed ... at the end of January! Ugh! No internet in the apt. until February. I am hopeless.

I have an ipod now. This is fun. I loaded up half the ipod with classical music. In an effort to be high class and edumacated. Of course, I have not listened to one piece of classical music. All I listen to is dance music. So much for trying to be sophisticated!

I am running off to my lab final. I have to look in microscopes and identify cells in mitosis and meiosis. I am in seventh grade.

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