Sunday, January 09, 2005

why do you look like that?

My fabulous roommate's birthday was last week. Last night, she was celebrating with some friends at a local Cambridge bar. I stopped by for the festivities, and had an interesting conversation with one of her colleagues.

This man, J., was a 32 year old African American male. He asked me where I was from. I responded "New York." He asked again "Yeah, but where are you from?"

The standard question. I get it. You're trying to figure out what I am. Indian? Middle Eastern? Italian? Martian?

I called him out on his question. I repeated: "I am from New York." His superb response: "So why do you look like that?"

I loved it. LOVED IT. This is the way the question should always be asked. Forget the "Where are you from?" ... with an exaggerated emphasis on "from" to indicate that you will not be satisfied with Long Island as an answer.

Why do you look like that? So simple. Cut to the chase. No beating around the bush. I look like this because my parents are from India. And because I am a slave to Revlon. Take your pick.

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