Saturday, January 01, 2005

happy new year

Happy 2005 folks! My New Year began with a small celebration with my closest friends. I love the comfort of being surrounded by friends who know you well enough not to judge you while you fall asleep 10 minutes before the countdown. Because I'm an old fart and my feet were hurting all day. But 2005 it is. I hope the year brings everyone happiness and success, and all good things in between.

Unfortunately the day took a bit of a negative downturn. My sweet roommate from Boston called me frantically today to inform me that our other roommate (the not-so-sweet one), had moved out over the break. All of the living room and kitchen furniture in the apartment was hers. It is now completely gone, including the dining table and plates and glasses. She also removed the shower curtain from the bathroom. The cable and internet have also been cut off; the accounts were in said roommate's name.

My remaining roommate and I are quite concerned about everything from showering without a curtain to understanding our liabilities and rights. Sigh, a new year, a new fire. I need to take an Excedrin. I have a headache THIS BIG.

Other than that, I can tell you that I may be starting a part-time job at a hospital starting sometime next week. The logistics need to be finalized. Baby steps onto the bus ... Baby steps through my post-bac ... baby steps to med school. Dr. Marvin! Dr. Leo Marvin!!!!

I am sleepy. I am also getting lazy in updating my blog. I declare (decree?) a resolution: to update my blog frequently. In addition to revamping my gym program (especially considering that my 3 visits in November cost me $30 per workout. If all else fails, my stinginess will force me to work out more!).

Here's to the future. May it be bright.

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