Wednesday, October 13, 2004

seat's taken

I can officially be labeled a commuter student. I may be the first person to commute to Harvard from New York. I take the bus so frequently back and forth that my Dad commented that it doesn’t make much sense to rent an apartment in Boston. I should stay in a hotel whenever I come up here, it would be more economical.

That being said, I was on the bus yesterday to Boston. I sat down and placed my bag on the empty seat next to me, and then tried to go to sleep. More than half of the bus was empty, and I figured nobody would bother me.

A few minutes later, I felt my bag move. I looked up and saw this strange Indian guy pointing at my bag. (Given my Columbus Day rant, I should clarify that he was South Asian). Oh no. I heard it before he said it … “Can I sit here?”

What was I supposed to do? The entire bus was empty, and he wants to sit next to me? I nodded and then moved my bag. But then I felt uncomfortable. Why did he want to sit with me? Was he going to begin an awkward game of 20 questions? I began to imagine potential inquiries: What’s your name? Are you Indian? Are we related? Are you married? Are you going to eat that?

Perhaps I’m not giving him enough credit. He may have been defensive; maybe he thought the bus would fill up and that I was the least menacing person to sit next to. Although, I would think human nature would be to be to grab whatever open space is available first, and then try to defend it.

I finally excused myself and moved to the back of the bus. I don’t know if it was rude, but I couldn’t fathom having to sit next to someone when there was plenty of room elsewhere. I stretched out and slept for the majority of the ride. And nobody bothered me.

Class was fun last night. Though the Professor said that he would try and let us out early to “See the Yankees lose.” That’s great; I’m so glad baseball can affect class time, but the last presidential debate cannot.

Also, here is the most fun thing EVER. Digital Bubble Wrap.

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