Tuesday, October 12, 2004

chocolate pudding

Last night I had a craving for chocolate pudding. So I went to the grocery store and bought a packet of Jell-O instant pudding and made it.

I ate the entire thing. Like four servings worth. Once I started I couldn't stop. Pudding is highly underrated. I remember eating it frequently as a kid. When did pudding become a faux-pas for adults? I don't know, but I am taking a stand. Bring back the pudding!

It's all about finding comfort these days - whether it be through family, friends or pudding. Too many crazy things happening all around. Our elections and our choice for the lesser of two evils. The Afghani elections our highly unintelligent President keeps referring to. He seems to ignore the violence that has surrounded them, or the fact that there is already concern they might not be legitimate. The mess that is Iraq. The awful genocide (genocide! - even Colin Powell admitted it as such) in Sudan. It's overwhelming.

And then Superman passed away. That was really sad; he was quite an impressive person. I had just read an interview he had done with a magazine. OK fine it was the Readers' Digest. I love that magazine. I've finally admitted that shameful secret. Even though Readers' Digest can make the local gas station attendant seem like the most inspirsing person you've ever met, the Christopher Reeve interview was touching. He was able to go from a diagnosis of total paralysis to being able to move his fingers, and move his limbs while underwater. It's truly awe-inspiring. But life is unpredictable and often sad.

Combine all this chaos in the world with the fact that I don't know what I am doing with my life, and chocolate pudding suddenly seems to make a lot of sense as a decision for the moment.

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