Tuesday, June 22, 2004

for the love of e-bay

Yesterday I won my first e-bay auction. I bought a set of Organic Chemistry Molecule thingies. You know, the tinker toys disguised as learning tools, with the price tripled?

I love e-bay. Though my relationship with it has been short, I am definitely head over heels. I checked the site constantly to scope out my competition and refine my strategy. I've heard snippets regarding addiction from various people, and I now I emphatize with them.

But my nascent affection is nothing compared to my fathers. He loves e-bay. More than his family. I often wonder whether he has put the rest of us up for sale. The following interaction, which took place a few months ago, sums up his unhealthy addiction:

So, I was looking on e-bay, and there is a horse ranch in Atlanta for sale. I was thinking it could be interesting.

Um, what could be interesting? We don't ride horses, or you know, ranch.

Still, it could be fun to go there, maybe when I retire.

You will never retire.

I might. And we could have horses.

While that's not the verbatim recap of the conversation, it gives you the general picture. E-bay creates a parallel universe, where all things are possible (and for sale). Time to look for some more books and my current e-bay obsession: an old-school nintendo.

I'm off to Cambridge on Saturday ... the reality of moving and school and career shift has not yet sunk in.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

The entire 52 episode run of Exosquad...

Good luck in Cambridge!