Saturday, June 12, 2004

cookie monster and the commonwealth

Hello All. And by all, I really mean nobody, because I don't think anyone still reads this. Especially since I haven't written in a very long time.

A quick recap of what's been going on with me:

1) I finished up at work (quite anticlimactic, really).
2) I spent a week at home watching TV and occassionally doing some spring cleaning
3) Then a week in Puerto Rico with the family.

I am going up to Cambridge in 2 weeks to take some summer school classes. I will be in a classroom with kids not young enough for me to say that I'm old enough to be their mother, but enough for me to entertain the thought. I'm scared. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Puerto Rico turned out to be a great vacation. The family. And we didn't even try to kill each other during that time. We stayed at the El Conquistador - which I strongly recommend for anyone considering a Puerto Rican vacation. The resort sits on a cliff overlooking the ocean. A water taxi takes you to a private island owned by the hotel with a private beach. Very nice.

The first time I was on the water taxi, one of the hotel employees started up a conversation with me because I was wearing my Oscar the Grouch tee-shirt (which is literally a shirt with a picture of Oscar that says "Oscar the Grouch.") He said "Hey! Cookie Monster!" I laughed politely and told him that it was really Oscar, not Cookie Monster.

So we chatted for a bit. And then he said, "So I guess you have to get back to your boyfriend" and pointed to the other side of the boat where my parents and brother were sitting.

WHAT? I suppose it was an honest mistake. But let's just say, even if I were hypothetically there with my boyfriend, why would either his or my parents be along for the trip?

And lest I overlook the fact that my family and I all look alike! I responded that I was there with my brother and parents. He said "Oh. Gotcha Cookie Monster."

I think there is a way to put pictures up on your blog. I will try and do that soon. I want you all to see pictures of the resort, because it was so pretty, and not very expensive either. I love internet specials.

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