Wednesday, June 16, 2004

dog days

Damn it's hot. I moved stuff out of my apartment today. Torture.

Yay for the Pistons for kicking Laker butt. My plans last night continually changed, so I found myself free at 10:00 PM with no place to watch the game. So I walked into a bar. Yup. Just walked in, sat down and ordered a glass of water (because damn it's hot). The drunky drunks next to me started up a conversation. Paul, a 39 year old man and his coworker (though he did get up to give her a backrub - yes a backrub - at the bar) - a pretty Australian girl, whose name I didn't catch. Paul told me his daughter's name is Sophia. Then two minutes later asked me my name again.

The bartender looked like Rick Fox. He finds it annoying everytime people tell him he looks like Rick Fox, so therefore he was rooting for the Pistons.

The music was straight up Top 40 at the bar. One song came on and Paul said "This is a good song. Who sings it?" And the girl responded "Effervesence." When the band is really Evanescence. I wanted to laugh but couldn't. And I keep thinking of Polident, because it's effervescence cleans dentures.

I put up a posting for my apartment on Craig's List. A guy answered the ad and wanted to see it. Of COURSE he ended up being Indian. He didn't even look at the apartment for more than a minute. Then he left. And today he e-mailed me asking if I wanted to get dinner or coffee.

Ugh. What is it with Indian guys? That is a subject that is worthy of tackling in its own post. I'm going to go get some ice cream. Because I might melt.


Stephen said...

So by indian do you mean native american? Or, like, indian indians like from India? Just curious. I have quite an abundance of both living around me here, and I'm patiently awaiting your "Indian Guys" post in order to figure out why it was OF COURSE an indian who answered your ad. Or maybe I'm just too nosy.

Sophia said...

I was referring to South Asian Indians. I used a bit of carte blanche there to poke fun at them because I'm Indian. My interactions with random Indian guys tend to be awkward and slightly comical. Kind of a "Hello, you sort of remind me of my mother" vibe.