Saturday, May 22, 2004

what do all these people do?

This post is quite delayed, given my new unemployed status - and more importantly, my inability to access the internet 24/7. I never realized how much I took it for granted. On Monday, I wandered around Manhattan trying to see where I could get free internet access. The quick answer? Nowhere. I went to the New York Public Library, where there was a 3 hour wait to use the computer for half an hour! A man actively monitored everyone - "Number 3! You have been on for more than 30 minutes. Move it people!" Wow. So I waited two whole days before using the internet (I'm currently at my parents' house). Quite an accomplishment.

I spent all day Monday and most of Tuesday wandering around Manhattan. There were people everywhere! Walking down the streets, shopping, in the library. These people were not dressed for work. It seemed like they were all on vacation. Who are these people? Students? Hipsters? FBI agents? Do these people work? Or is their work so flexible that they can hang out all day? I'm curious.

I also tend to think about this whenever I get my nails done (which I did yesterday.) Again, where do all these people come from? It was the middle of the day - 1:00 PM on a Tuesday, and there were quite a few people in the salon. And yes, I could easily stereotype and say they were rich wives of Very Important Businessmen. But they weren't. Lots of really young women, and a surprising number of men. Unintentional discovery: men go to get their backs waxed during the day, when they think noone will be in the salons. I saw two guys come in for this during my 1 hour there!

That was one nail salon. And as all of us newly minted New Yorkers know, there are more nail salons per person in Manhattan than there are genuinely nice people. So how many people were getting their nails done at the same time as me? How much discretionary income is there in Manhattan (and, by logical extension, the world?!)

Thoughts too big for my abnormally small head.

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