Thursday, May 20, 2004

the sophia chronicles

Welcome to the Sophia Chronicles! So, I know I'm a little late to jump on the blog bandwagon. Actually, I tend to be slow on the uptake for all things technology oriented. My cell phone doesn't even take pictures (I can see your jaws dropping). And you know what? I like it that way!

So, hello. I wanted to start the Sophia Chronicles today, because of a few reasons:

1) I have time
2) Because I quit my job
3) So now I have time.

The basic background about me: I'm 24. As of tomorrow, I will have used to work for a hedge fund (that grammar can't be right.) Before that, I used to work at a boutique Investment Bank. I think it's funny when they call corporate outfits boutiques. I keep imagining that there is a floor somewhere that sells lingerie and handbags. Actually, the fact that they call them corporate outfits is funny too.

So I hung out with The Man ("TM") for a few years. But TM wasn't really my thing. I gathered up all of my courage (which was a long, drawn out and pretty pathetic effort) and finally broke up with TM. Go Courage!

Now I'm free for a little bit. I can watch the Price is Right and Days of Our Lives. Although on Days, I think the storylines are now all focused on the illegitimate children of the main characters from when I used to watch it years ago. Like, Belle is all grown up now? What is that about? And isn't her boyfriend kind of her cousin? And the way the time has progressed, isn't Marlena 156 years old?

I hope to update this Blog regularly. My goal is not to let this become one of my many forgotten hobbies of yesterday. Though it would have some nice friends, what with tennis, rollerblading and knitting.

My prior life included four great years at a fancy-pants institution where the best things were, in order: my friends, free donuts in the dining hall and grade inflation. That last one sure helped though. Oh, and I guess getting an Ivy League education was pretty cool, too.

Thanks for reading this! I am still getting acquainted with this site and the whole Blogging process in general, but I think you can add comments to my posts and other fun things. Hope you come back soon. Free gift with purchase!

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