Tuesday, February 14, 2006

singledom awareness day

Today, my friend sent me an instant message reading "Happy Singledom Awareness Day! (SAD, if you're keeping track)".

So there you have it. I'm not bitter about Valentine's Day. Really. I like chocolate too much to be bitter about this completely contrived holiday singularly established to make single people feel worse about themselves.

I am lucky enough to have amazing friends who have all agreed to be my Valentine. Yeah, I'm a player. I gots lotsa Valentines. In all seriousness, I received tons of e-mails and instant messages from my friends. I am one lucky gal. One single, twenty something, spinsterhood-headed, lucky gal.

And, well, I did wear a red and white sweater today. So shoot me. Right through the heart. (Because I give looove a bad name.)

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

1 comment:

Eric said...

throwing in the bon jovi on this one...i approve :-)