Wednesday, February 01, 2006

little debbie, meet my conscience.

Last night I had dinner with one of my all-time favorite people. She is a friend of mine from college, and was my roommate in Manhattan the first year I lived there. Now, I must tell you how much of a rock star this girl is:

Incredibly intelligent, beautiful, fiercely loyal, caring, fun and super sweet. Harvard Undergrad. A big wig on Wall Street. Harvard Business School. Captain of the girl's tennis team in college. Yes, I'm serious. A tall Indian girl who plays tennis like nobody's business. As opposed to your garden-variety desi girl, like me, who is 5' 2" and can hardly play ping pong. Speaking of which, will someone PLEASE teach me how to put on a damn topspin?

So yes, she's awesome and I'm so glad we had the chance to catch up yesterday. We had a lovely dinner. After dinner, we wandered over to CVS since she had to purchase some paper plates for an event she was hosting.

Now, you can hardly expect me to walk into CVS and not buy at least one of the following items:

Some kind of newfangled hair product for my style du jour
People magazine
Chewing gum
Hand cream (FYI - I have discovered that the best possible remedy for dry hands / cuticles is none other than slathering on some Vaseline prior to bed time. Yes, it's kind of ghetto. But it's so effective and works better than anything else you will try. Scouts honor. Take THAT Cosmo).

So, as I wandered the aisles of CVS, my eyes fell on the Little Debbie display. And people, I LOVE Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Sandwiches. I am talking pure, unadulterated love. So much so that I am going to name my daughter Little Debbie. My dad liked Sophia Loren, but I can safely say that she doens't hold a candle to Oatmeal Creme Sandwiches.

I secretly purchased my box of cookies ($1.19 for 12. How sad is it that I know the price has gone up, since a few months ago a box was $1.00 even?). My friend finished her transaction at another register. As we walked out, she saw my sheepish grin and asked me what I had bought. I looked at her guiltily then pulled out the box of cookies. She gave me an adorable look of admonition. I protested "Metabolism in my family slows down at 30! My cousin told me so! I want to eat whatever I want while I still can!"

She smiled angelically and told me, "Soph, it's fine. Just make sure you pay attention to your health." Oh man I love that girl. Her sincerity and all-around sweetness can make anyone melt and see the righteousness of her ways.

Last night I had two cookies though. Don't tell her.


Anonymous said...

Sophs, I'm telling you--we were related in a previous life.I used to LOVE Little Debbie snacks as a kid. Get this--I actually just bought 2 boxes (banana nut loaves and choc cupcakes) yesterday to take to India with me! I've never tried either, but could you REALLY go wrong with Lil Debbie??

chick pea said...

:) your post made me laugh...