Tuesday, January 10, 2006

the love of my life.

I love an intangible force of modernity. It is a coping mechanism. Helping me manage my life, minimize boredom, multi-task, procrastinate ... and most importantly, surf the web while supposedly doing "real work." My heart belongs to ...


How I love thee. Let me count the ways.

1) I love you first thing in the morning when I catch up on CNN.com and NYTimes.com
2) I love you mid-morning as I check e-mail
3) I love you at lunchtime as I surf Amazon.com for nothing in particular
4) I love you in the afternoon as I get sucked into friendster
5) I love you as the day concludes and I once again check e-mail and then write a blog post

Alt-Tab, will you marry me?

1 comment:

Scorps1027 said...

wow, i never realized the powers of alt+tab, all this time i just used my mouse and clicked on to my favorites list with all my fave websites, etc.