Tuesday, January 03, 2006

say what?

Happy New Year everyone!

Here are some funny things I overheard / were said to me / were said to friends:

  • Just now, I overheard a conversation between two people in front of my cubicle. One guy asked another "OK, when do you want to talk about the project?" And the other guy responded "I'm going to urinate, and then we'll talk in five minutes." I mean, it was obvious he was headed to the bathroom, but did he need to spell it out like that? And these are DOCTORS people!!

  • I flew back to Boston on Sunday. While at the airport waiting for my flight, I decided to get some McDonalds. The McDonalds counter was super busy. I finally ordered. The cashier, a large African American woman, said "Six Chicken McNuggets?" I nodded my head and took the bag from her. She looked me straight in the eye and said "Each one will make you fat." I swear! That's what she said. I didn't know what to do. I stared at her incredulously for a second. And then started to laugh, and she laughed even louder than I did.

  • My friend said that while on his flight, a gay steward was trying to hit on him. Now, I caveat that my friend is a bit of an exaggerator. But he told me that the steward asked him what he did for a living. My friend said he was in medical school. The steward replied "That's great! I am studying for my bachelorette in Marketing."

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