Tuesday, January 17, 2006

i am a lucky moron.

Today's posts focus on restrooms.

This morning, I stupidly, stupidly placed some cash in the pocket of my jeans. Not an insignificant sum either - around $100, a recent ATM run that was meant to get me through the next few weeks. And by ATM, I mean Automated-Teller-Mom, who had generously given my increasingly poor student bum some spending money this morning before I returned to Boston.

I went to the restroom this morning at work - quite absent-minded and tired from my 6:30 AM flight (JetBlue, I love your cheap fares but could you please extend them to some semi-reasonable hours of the day??). But yes, went to the bathroom, freshened up, powdered my nose (not really, but it sounds nice) etc.

About an hour later, I noticed the following post-it note on the bathroom door. And people, I don't roam the hallways and linger near the bathroom. I literally sit in front of the bathroom. The post it said "If you feel that you have dropped some $$$ in this rest room, please page 55555."

I read it once, and didn't think anything of it. A minute later, I did ye-olde-Homer slap to the forehead and said "D'Oh!" I checked my pocket, and sure enough, the money had fallen out. I am such a moron! And I am SO lucky!

But I am more moron than lucky, as you shall see. I took the post-it, but instead of reading "page 55555", I thought it said "Call 5-5555". So I did. A man answered. "Computer support!" he said.

"Um, did you leave the post-it on the bathroom saying that you had found some money in there?" I asked.

Muffled laughter. "No, I sure didn't."

"Oh, um, thanks."

I then wandered down the hallway, and then asked a secretary whom I do not know how to page someone. She told me how to do it - amazingly, online. Tekmology! Unbelieveable! I paged the number with the following message "Hi, did you leave the post-it on the bathroom? If so, please call me at [my work phone #]"

Sure enough, he did. And then he came by and dropped off the $100. I thanked him profusely and tried not to notice his sardonic smile, so obviously thinking "This girl is one lucky moron."

Sorry for being so careless Mom. I hope this doesn't block off future withdrawals from the ATM!


Scorps1027 said...

that is seriously a movie straight out of a movie!! how the heck did you lose it though? it was in your pocket, but was it not farther down enough? wowee, i'm so glad you got it back!

Sophia said...

it was in my back pocket and fell right out - i'm so careless, but luckily someone is looking out for me! ps - loved your globes fashion commentary