Thursday, May 26, 2005

uh, it's 3:30?

Have you ever wasted an entire day, to the point where you can't even think of one thing that you did? Today is one of those days. I just noticed the clock said 3:30. For real? I mean, I came in at 9:00 AM and began to surf the web and generally stare off into space. But I did not realize that I had wasted a good 6.5 hours until I saw what time it is.

I am allowing myself this mental hibernation for the day, though. I had my last final exam last night - my post-bac is officially over! Now I have to actually apply to medical school. Apparently, the fun never ends. There is something full-circle-esque about this process though; my first blog entry was about a year ago after I had just quit my job in finance and was going to move to Cambridge. And now I live in Cambridge.

My boss is weird. I hope he doesn't discover this blog. That doesn't change the fact that he's pretty bonkers though. He basically fired one of my coworkers recently, for no reason. Really - no reason. He just didn't like him and gave him an ultimatum: quit or I will criticize your every action. Poor kid. Mind you, for the last few months I worked very part time. Maybe once a week, and to sit in on a lecture at that. As part of the ritual chastising of my coworker, he told him: "You should be more like Sophia. She's very proactive and inquisitive."

Huh? Um, no I'm not. Plus, it's tough to be proactive and inquisitive when you're not even there. I don't know why I seem to be in my boss' favor, but I am. Which, conveniently, is how the fact that I was in a complete mental trance today seemed to escape him.

He just came by to 'catch up' with me. It was one of those situations where words (actually, more like BS) - were flowing out of my mouth without any conscious effort on my part. I don't even know what I said to him, but he seemed satisfied with my progress report.

The lights are on, people, but there's noone home.

1 comment:

Eric said...

hey sophia, chanced upon this site from joyce's fotolog, and i just had to say that your blog is one of the more entertaining i've read :-)

good luck with the amcas stuff, and keep posting (i'm glad i didn't know about this blog during your long hiatus--i would've been in serious withdrawal, haha)