Tuesday, May 17, 2005


I have a final exam in less than 5 hours, for which I am woefully unprepared. I am officially burnt (burned?) out. I tried to study, really I did. I'm trying to study right now, in fact. I came to the library, and brought my computer so I could look up answers and play minesweeper. This has, of course, translated into procrastinating in ways that are just plain embarassing.

I am sitting in an area that has cubicle seats. I stretched out my relatively short legs beneath the cubicle. The result: my foot made direct contact with the unshoed (though socked) feet of the person in the cubicle directly facing mine (though I can't see this person; the cubicle has a dividing wall; sort of like Battleship. I sunk your destroyer. Ha! Take that!).

It is somewhat annoying that this anonymous cubicle mate has stretched out his or her feet all the way into my side of the footspace. What is troubling me is that as soon as I felt this person's foot, I immediately moved my foot away. And I even made an exaggerated gesture of looking under the desk to say "Hey dude. Move your feet." But he didn't. He didn't even flinch. So now I am sitting with my feet under my chair. Very prim and proper.

Someone just came and sat near me. They are eating a Dunkin' Donuts breakfast sandwich. I know the scent. It is my favorite breakfast sandwich. In fact, I had one this morning. AT the Dunkin' Donuts. So that I wouldn't stink up the library with the stench of buttery croissant and cheese and fake eggs. The smell is intoxicating when I am hungry and ordering at the eatery. Ironically, the smell is nauseating when I am trying to study and can hear the person chewing next to me.

Back to studying. Or, at this point, memorizing answers from previous exams with the pipe dream that questions will be repeated verbatim on this year's test.

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