Tuesday, December 14, 2004

system restore

I've been having issues with my computer for the past two days. So much so that I started this post yesterday but couldn't even finish it due to computer problems. I'm starting to think that a computer problem or virus may actually be worse than being physically sick. I find it amazing to think about how much of my life revolves around having access to a computer and especially the internet.

The problem began yesterday, when I couldn't access the Hotmail website. I wondered if this meant I had a problem with my computer, or if there was something wrong with the Hotmail site. Later that afternoon, I attempted to be productive and took my computer to the library, where there is wireless internet access. My computer couldn't find the network, however. I tried to be sneaky and jigger around with many icons that I probably should not have altered. I kept losing the connection. Once I got home and rehooked up my laptop to the cable modem, I discovered my internet access had gone from bad to worse.

I didn't fare any better this morning. My computer couldn't load up most websites. I ran spyware checks and even attempted to do a system restore (where my computer said it would revert to the form it had on December 1st. If only I had such an option for myself! I would system restore to 1985.) But apparently going backwards in time did not solve anything; I actually had to undo the rejuvenation.

I am so frustrated I think I can actually permeate anger. I spent literally all day attempting to load websites that might give me pointers on how to fix my computer. When I have a cough or cold, I take days before giving in and taking medication. It's a sad example of how virtual my life has become.

So I finally trekked over to a computer lab where I can check e-mail and update my blog. I'm actively worried about my computer. Some people say that having a pet is a good way to learn how to take care of a child, or some such fluffy adage. I disagree. Try having a computer with a virus. That's love, I tell you.

Yesterday night I went to an MCAT class. It was a makeup class, so this was not my normal prepubescent teacher. This dude was in his mid-twenties, and had a pocketful of attitude to boot. He kept using the words "crap" and "freakin" when describing certain concepts. This class was about the verbal section; he would say things such as "Don't write freakin' crap on your essays." I'm so glad I forked over way too much money to Kaplan to be taught by people like him.

On a positive note, I did manage to make it to the gym yesterday. I was pleased to discover my body had not system restored itself to my pre-working out days. I've started lifting weights. 8 pounders. You may laugh, but they are quite heavy to me.

I am going to make a very inappropriate observation ... or more specifically, ask a very inappropriate rhetorical question. I'm in the computer lab, and there is what I think is a monk in the lab. He has a shaved head and is wearing a maroon shirt with a maroon robe/toga tied around his body. Am I correct to think he is a monk? Am I a terrible person for telling you that it actually crossed my mind whether or not he's really allowed to be using a computer? I'm going straight to hell. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

Hey, maybe he can help with my computer problems.

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