Monday, December 06, 2004

28 degrees

It's 28 degrees in Boston today. I have ramped up my arsenal of winter weather gear and am bracing for the battle ahead. This year, I've introduced a new weapon: a hat. I never really was a hat person, but I figured since combing my hair has become somewhat of an option for me of late, why not bury my Medusa-inspired 'do under a cheap piece of fleece?

But man, I'm hooked. Before I used to wear the ear-covering-headband things. They worked, insofar as keeping my ears warm. But this hat thing is genius. It really keeps me warmer than I thought it would. Who knew that all that stuff about losing most of your body heat through your head (which I always found a bit nonsensical) would turn out to be totally true?

I am aware that this fact is universally known by all cold-weather dwelling citizens; I am nonetheless still happy by my discovery. I wear my hat all the time now. Because I'm cool like dat. I even wear it in my apartment. Which, in contrast to the outside weather, is broiling. The thermostat is in my roommate's room. However, there is something wrong with one of her windows so her room is freezing all the time. She cranks up the heat, but this results in my room being transformed into a human-roasting oven. I've even had to open my window a few times, it's become so hot.

I suppose my discussion lacked purpose, except to tell you that it's cold and I like my hat. What else can I tell you? I saw Closer over the weekend. Didn't really like it. The four powerhouse actors do make the pill slightly easier to swallow, but the premise of the movie, and especially the dialogue, seemed excessively contrived. I also really agreed with the review on Let me know what you think if you end up seeing the movie. I'm just giving you my two cents (or $9.75, given that movie tickets are apparently now made out of gold. Seriously, $9.75? Do you know how much Taco Bell you could get for that much?)

I have not been to the gym in a bit. The great Sophia workout craze of Oct/Nov '04 wound down right after Thanksgiving. See, my parents are a bit funny (n.b.: funny meaning gullible. Read on). Every year for Halloween my brother and I convince them to buy loads of candy from Costco - where else? Without fail, my parents come home relatively late from work on Halloween. This year they weren't even home. The result: bags and bags of candy for me and my brother over Thanksgiving ... and pretty much through the New Year! And those snack-size candy bars kill you. You can have a few at a time, and have no idea that you've consumed the equivalent of 13 candy bars. Yum.

Post Thanksgiving, I came back to Boston and attempted a workout. I had made tremendous progress with my strength and endurance prior to the holiday. It disappeared overnight. I could hardly complete a low speed workout on the treadmill. I became lazy and let another week slide without working out. I'm back to Square 1, or 1 1/2 at the most.

I will go to the gym tomorrow. I must. I must, I must improve my bust. Haha, I don't even know why I wrote that. It's a reference to some TV show or movie, but I can't remember what. The cold weather is freezing my brain.

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