Wednesday, November 03, 2004

say it ain't so

I almost feel like it would be overkill to lament the horror of this election. So this will be brief.

What happened? Why did the American public re-elect this sorry excuse for a human, let alone a President? Why is the voting process so problematic? Why did people wait 10 hours in line to vote? Why should I feel proud to be an American?

Who are my fellow Americans? People who would rather pass judgement than make good judgement. People who fear gay marriage and partial birth abortion, rather than the looming economic crisis and their upcoming Social Security benefits.

Another election conceded. Two in a lifetime. When my kids read about the Bush presidency in their textbooks and ask me if I remember, will I say it's too painful to talk about?

So much more to learn, reflect upon and think about. I defer to my much wiser friends at the Three Guys blog.

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