Friday, November 19, 2004

five times five is

Twenty-five is a funny age. I'm past the midpoint of my twenties. I remember thinking when I was young that somebody who was 25 was sooo old. But it's not so bad. It's no 16 though. That was a good year. And four. Four was pretty fun also. Hey, they are all square numbers. Maybe 25 won't be so bad.

Obviously, my dorkiness has not subsided with age.

I subscribe to the A Word A Day e-mail. They send you A Word A Day (duh) with a definition and etymology. Each week's words are associated with a theme, and the words are usually pretty unique. This week's theme is "words to describe women." Earlier this week, words included "sylph" and "minx." Words that conjure the image of sexy, sneaky, flirty women. So what would today's word - my birthday word - be, I wondered. As I checked my e-mail this morning, I was greeted with this:

feme sole (fem sol) noun, plural femes sole
A single woman, whether divorced, widowed, or never married

There was nothing left to do except smile and embrace my feme soledness.

I am fortunate in that my birthday falls on the weekend of the Harvard / Yale Football game, which is tomorrow. A large contingent of my friends from college are in town, and we get to celebrate good times tonight! I have an outfit picked out. It involves pink. An ode to my blog.

Oh, and Happy World Toilet Day everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you!!! It's official, we're a quarter of a century old but I won't tell if you don't. Have an amazing weekend!

Love you,