Friday, November 12, 2004

happy birthday to loo

My brother just sent me an article from titled "Summit Flushes Out Smelly Toilets." The article describes how the 2004 World Toilet Summit is being held next week in Beijing. Officials hope to ameliorate China's public toilet situation, especially in light of the Olympics in 2008.

While the subject matter was interesting, my brother sent it to me solely for the last line in the article:

"The last day of the summit falls on November 19, World Toilet Day, when organizers say they hope to focus worldwide attention on promoting toilet etiquette."

Ahem. November 19th is my birthday. My birthday is World Toilet Day.

I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy the anniverary of my birth in the same way ever again. I also think that everyone who becomes aware of this will give me toilet themed gifts for the rest of my life.

So next Friday, if you sprinkle while you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat. And then wish me a happy birthday.

ps: I am very proud of the title I came up with for this post. I know I'm being self-indulgent, but I can't stop giggling. Hee hee!

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