Friday, December 22, 2006

bizarro blog

My memory is certainly starting to slacken with age. Which bodes so incredibly well for my next few years in MEDICAL SCHOOL.

But yes. Memory. I was just surfing the web and wanted to check out the blog. And I couldn't remember if I had "The" in the website or not. I typed in:

And ... Bizarro Blog.

Note to self, and ... readers ... the correct address is Though by reading this I can safely say that YOU have the correct address. Congrats! You know me better than I know myself.

Do you think the title and format of the other blog are a little eerie, given my old format and my as-yet-current title?


Just finished an exam and now am tidying up before I take off for winter break. I love downtime.


happy roy said...

that is HILARIOUS! for a second there, i thought it was a joke.

speaking of memories fading, my former excellent memory has dwindled to nothing. i think it's our age.

Anonymous said...

I meant to tell you about that blog last week when i saw you...SO WEIRD!
ps. you've inspired me to start my own blog, but i still haven't posted, too chicken :)

Anonymous said...

i actually did stumble on this blog once before and i was so confused!