Monday, June 26, 2006

the price is ... munchies

For some reason, I have had multiple conversations about The Price is Right with various people over the past few days. So, given my channel surfing at 11:00 AM this morning, it didn't surprise me that I felt inclined to watch Bob Barker.

After the initial hoopla and "come on down" display, four rather disparate contestants found themselves ready to attempt to assign a price to a foozball table in order to continue on in the land of showcase showdowns.

The first contestant, a bouncy little mom from Nebraska, bid $1200.

The second, a rather large African-American man from Texas, bid $900.

The third was a Filipino guy in his twenties named Alvin. He didn't realize it was his turn. He seemed ... out of it. Bob Barker said "Hell0 - contestant, I can't see your name. Can you turn and face me? Ah yes, Alvin ... What's your bid?"

Alvin was totally lost. "Huh?" he responded.

Bob asked again "What's your bid for this foozball table Alvin?"

Alvin looked up, grinned widely and said "420."

"Four twenty or Fourteen-twenty?" asked Bob.

The Nebraskan mom tapped Alvin on the shoulder to indicate that Bob was talking to him. Alvin looked back up and said "Four-twenty man!"

The Price is Right. It never ceases to amuse.

PS: Thoughts on the new layout? I thought I would experiment ...


Scorps1027 said...

hhaha..the price is right is classic! thanks for the well wishes for married life!

Eric said...

I was so used to the pink...and wasn't the cotton candy byline under your title a reference to the pink background?

Anyways, I'm all for change as long as the updates keep coming :-) The stars feel very much like something that would be on a Rock Star Barbie Doll box though...