Friday, June 09, 2006


There is no good explanation for why I haven't written in a while, considering that my most pressing daily responsibilities include checking e-mail and perusing bedding options at The more I look at them, the more these 400,000 thread count egyptian cotton sheets seem like a necessity.

I guess sometimes I write to avoid other responsibilities. Given that I really have no responsibilities, I have no need to avoid them. Hence the writer's block. Que sera.

So what's happened in the last month? I went to South Africa. That was fun. In light of the backlog of vacation updates, I won't get to telling you about that trip for, let's say, a month. Oh, and the two-year birthday of my blog passed. Two years of pretending my life is more interesting than it is, who'dve thunk it. And finally, one of my most favorite readers got married. Congratulations SJ! I saw some pictures through the flog universe - you looked radiant. I hope you had a wonderful honeymoon and are reveling in married life.

Here, finally, are some pictures from Australia. No hard-core Discovery Channel type stuff. More pictures of funny signs I saw all around. There is comic relief everywhere.

Beginning of the Great Ocean Road - a cliff drive south of Melbourne. My guess is the sign is to remind brazen Americans that they are not the center of the universe.

A storefront sign in St. Kilda, Melbourne. As you may be beginning to notice, I really liked Melbourne. The neighborhoods had distinctively artistic and bohemian vibes.

A stationery store in St. Kilda. Heh.

A sign along our hike in the Olga Mountains, The Outback. Because I am in seventh grade and couldn't hold in my laughter.

I really like this picture. I took it of my own shadow during a hike in the Olgas. The only thing missing are the white ipod headphones.

In front of Ayer's Rock (Ularu), The Outback, Sunset. It's literally a giant red rock in the middle of nowhere, which is why it's a tourist destination. But the colors and scenery were magnificent.


My fifth year college reunion started today. I'm torn whether to go ... I think I may decide last minute and go for some festivities tomorrow. It's one of those things where I'm not terribly excited, but I don't want to regret not having gone.

I got a pedicure yesterday. Forget June 21st. Yesterday marked the first official day of summer.

1 comment:

Eric said...

i've been sufficiently entertained, phew! :-)