Friday, December 16, 2005


Ah, to be a monkey all over again. I came in for a 7:00 AM meeting where one of the doctors was supposed to give a presentation that I had prepared over this last week. Not so fun waking up at 5:30 AM then heading into work in the sleet and wind.

Of course, the meeting was canceled.

I decided to warm my insides up by purchasing some oatmeal from the cafe in my building. I've never had oatmeal from there before. I asked for a cup. The woman obliged and gave me a cup. I went to go pay, when I said "Oh, where's the cinnamon and maple syrup?" She looked confused. "Brown sugar, cinnamon ...?" She said "We don't have any." "No toppings for the oatmeal?" She shook her head.

Now, two things: First, I think she was lying and was just too lazy to go and get the toppings from whatever shelf they were on. Second, I felt too embarassed to give her the oatmeal back and say "Well then I don't want it."

So I bought the oatmeal and tried to eat it. Plain oatmeal tastes like sand and elmer's glue. Blech. I tried to eat it, I swear. But the goop is just sitting on my desk, a constant reminder that I am a total wuss. And am in the hole by 95 cents. And 2 hours of additional sleep. Gaah!

1 comment:

Scorps1027 said...

...atleast i'ts friday:)
and ur not a wuss, who can eat plain oatmeal?!