Wednesday, August 09, 2006

T minus 7 days

Hello hello!

It's the beginning of the end. Of summer, that is. Tomorrow I am half-moving to Boston. And by half-moving, I mean I am going up for two days, dropping off some clothing and an air mattress in my new apartment, and then rushing back to NY a la Speedy Gonzalez.

School begins August 21st. Let me just say: OH. MY. GOD.

I am simultaneously completely ready and totally unprepared to begin school. Does that make any sense? I'm very excited and I know that it's going to be a good time. But the transition is bittersweet; it's been nice being home and spending some good time with family and friends. Luckily, I'm not moving to a place that is completely unfamiliar. Unfortunately for you readers though, that means a never ending stream of posts to come about the lovely, lovely Fung Wah bus!

Don't ask me why (because I seriously can't come up with a good reason), but I signed up to go on an orientation hiking trip. It starts one week from today. Hiking. In the mountains. For four days. Granola - save the earth - Koombaya (sp?) - hiking. With backpacks. And no showers. No deodorant. No shaving of legs. ME. I am going hiking. WTF? I think my thought process went something like this: "Hmm, this is so unlike me. Let me sign up for a hiking trip which will inevitably become a comedy of errors, because I'm running out of material to blog about."

Yeah. Yesterday I went to a sporting goods store to buy some stuff for this trip. Which included a bottle of "Potable Aqua." They are iodine water purification tablets. It kills bacteria from lake water. Apparently we're going to be filling up our Nalgene bottles with lake water and dropping iodine tablets in them and then DRINKING said water.

Note to self: Also pack an economy sized tub of Pepto Bismol. And a Hershey's bar or two. I don't care if the chocolate attracts the bears.


My family went on a vacation to Vancouver recently. I had no idea that Vancouver is as beautiful as it is. We then took a luxury train ride from Vancouver to Calgary, which passed through the Rocky Mountains. Quite fun. In a 1930's imperialist sort of way.


Scorps1027 said...

I can't believe it took me this long to post a comment! I hope school is going well and that your nerves have been put to rest! I'm sure your kicking ass and getting adjusted to your new life. Best of luck with this semester and try to keep up with the blogging. I seriously do have withdrawals when you don't update with your hilarious stories.

Eric said...

good luck with the start of school! i hope you have some entertaining anecdotes soon :-)