Wednesday, May 03, 2006

just call me susan

This coming weekend there is a "second look" at the medical school. I was originally planning on going, but then I realized that since I've already decided to attend this school for sure, it doesn't make much sense for me to go this weekend. Plus, I think it best to delay accepting the fact that all of my classmates would have been born in 1985. Hmph.

Anyway, I e-mailed the woman at the admissions office to tell her I wouldn't be able to attend. Her response?

Hi, Renee.
Thanks for letting us know. We also have summer tour options available if
you are interested. Yours, [Admissions Officer]

Um, Renee? Where did that come from? And why would I need a summer tour? Did this woman even READ my e-mail? Nice to know these are the people who will be coordinating my education for the next five years.


Anonymous said...

good to know incompetence prevails in med schools across the country. ;)
miss you darlin'.

Eric said...

have you gone on hiatus without telling us? i demand to be entertained :-P jk, i didn't update from november to may, so i shouldn't talk :-)