Sunday, April 02, 2006

there's always something

G'day Mates!

Am posting from lovely Sydney, Australia -- now officially my favorite place in the world. And not just because they have lots of KFCs here, which, as luck would have it, they do.

Tonight is our last night here. I'm really sad. This has been one incredible adventure - I will of course post details once I am settled back at home.

But I do always want to brighten your days whenever possible, so I thought I would share the following e-mail I received from my Dad this morning. I had written him earlier this week to let him know that I had been accepted for the joint degree program I applied for. I am going to do an MBA along with my MD ... basically so that I can remain in school forever.

His response has had me chuckling all day:

Hi Baby,
You never cease to amaze us with your achievements. We are extremely proud of you. Now we dont have to worry about anything (not really you know, till you get finally hooked to some nice guy!!!) Love you and can't wait to see you back home.
Dad and Mom.

How cute is that?? I know I say this incessantly ... but I really do have the most amazing parents in the world.


Eric said...

Oh wow, congratulations on getting accepted to the joint program! I know someone in last year's inaugural MD/MBA class.

Zahir said...

I'm perfectly content being the disappointing child.

Scorps1027 said...

you are a marvel! joint program for your MBA & MD?! it's too bad you're very down-to-earth and so funny and unassuming, cuz otherwise we would all have the unequivocal right to officially hate you:)

can't wait for the next blog post! i'm in withdrawal here!