Friday, March 17, 2006

that song is weird.

Going to leave for my trip to Australia shortly. I am flying out from San Francisco with one of my best girlfriends. I came to San Fran last night via Song, Delta's low-cost airline.

Now, if you've ever flown Song, you'll understand. And if you haven't, I'll do my best to paint you a picture. Song is basically an airline on acid. They are trying to be a hippy-trippy low cost carrier, and somehow the end product is a creepy carnival like experience.

First, the colors. Bright blue and green are the main colors, accented with purple and orange. The colors are everywhere. When I was dropped off at the terminal at JFK, you pull into an area where the passenger drop off area is not bland concrete, like normal - but huge mushroom shaped overpasses painted -- you guessed it -- blue and green. When my brother pulled the car into the area, I commented "This looks like Disneyworld on crack."

Then the plane itself - the seats are colored blue, but the top could be green and the side panels orange and/or purple. It's very disconcerting. It makes you feel like a kindergardener. But not in a good way. But whatever it is, they have satellite TV and cheap fares.

Then the safety announcement started. And that's when I fully creeped out. The pre-recorded announcement sounds like a weird transcendental yoga/relaxation/Deepak Chopra mantra. Complete with soft chimes and wind noises in the background. It went something like this:

"Take a deep breath in and be aware of the oneness of the earth ... blah blah blah... and now...please look at our lovely safety demonstration by our Song brethren Sister Sharon in the aisle..." (ok, it's slightly exaggerated but you get the idea).

The flight crew also seemed to have toked up before the flight, because they were all really absent minded and excessively friendly. When the beverage service passed by, the flight crew referred to most people as "dude" or "sweetie". Call me old-fashioned, but I kind of prefer "Miss" or "Sir."

They are low-cost though, so you had to pay for any food. Which I normally wouldn't do, but did this time because it was a long flight and all. The sandwich was $8, a bit steep, but surprisingly good. I paid with a $20. The woman didn't have change at the time and said she'd come back later. Well, later came and I didn't have my money yo. As another flight attendant strolled by, I got her attention and asked her to remind the other one about my change.

Shortly thereafter, the original woman came up to me and gave me the $12. She seemed a little angry; she forked over the money then rolled her eyes at me and said "I didn't forget you know." I looked at her and replied "Now, take a deep breath and let's join hands ..." Just kidding.

Finally, I used the restroom near the end of the flight. Standard bathroom lavatory. But the handsoap? I kid you not: lemongrass and wasabi hand soap.

Seriously? Why would I want my hands to smell like an appetizer at a Vietnamese restaurant? Damn hippies.

OK, will try to post from the down under if possible. Thanks for the good wishes from the last post - you guys are the best!


Anonymous said...

Sophs, I flew Song when I went to LA in Jan and I still remember the part of the announcement where they were like, "Smoking is not good for your chi and is therefore not permitted." It was definitely a creepy (but cheap!) experience. Have fun Down Under!

Anonymous said...

hey sophia,

congratulations on HMS. i rarely laugh out loud, period, but often find myself doing so when i read your blog :) apparently we met on new years eve last year (i'm joyce's nyc roomie), but i was a space cadet as usual.
say hi to colin farrell for me.

cookiemonsta said...

aaah Australia.. have tons of fun :)