Tuesday, January 23, 2007

babel ... not so much

Due to some effective persuasion, I've decided to try and start working out again.

Earlier this evening, I went to run on the treadmill in the makeshift "gym" in my building. For the first half of my workout, I was alone in the room.

Halfway through, three guys walked in. They were in their late twenties, were dressed to work out ... and were drunk. One guy had a bottle of Hoegarten (heheh) in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.

I continued running as the three of them began their strange workout. I finished and began doing some stretches. While I was stretching, I heard one guy say "Hey, did you guys read that article in the New York Times ... about high definition?"

And the other guys were like "Uh ... no. Was it about DVDs?"

The first guy said, "Um, no." And then he launched into a different language. I am not sure what it was. He became very animated and was giggling a lot as he explained the article to his friends.

And as I sat there stretching ... all I could think was "smooth move dumbass." I had read the article he was describing in detail to his drunkedy drunk friends. It was about high definition TV ... and the problems it was causing for workers in the porno industry.

Please ... speaking in other languages to talk about people or to talk about inappropriate subjects? Like that's new? Give me a break. Desis INVENTED that. Why else do you think there are like 4,000 languages in India alone? We just don't like each other that much ... and pig-Hindi wasn't cutting it to tell your one friend that you think your other friend is a moron.